understanding of computer network, type - type of computer network and the benefits of computer networks and computer network hardware

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Understanding Computer Networks

Computer network is a collection of computers, printers and other equipment that terhubungdalam unity and exchange data from one computer to another. Information and data moving through the wires to allow computer network users can exchange documents and data, scored on the same printer, and using hardware / software that is connected to the network. Each computer, printer or peripherals connected to the network called a node. A computer network can have two, tens or even hundreds of nodes.
A biasanyan network consisting of two or more computers that are interconnected and share resources, such as CD-ROMs, printers or exchange file.sehingga mengkakses facilitate us in a data.

Computer Network Benefits

if a computer connected to the network sebuuah will get a useful benefit to the user computer itself. benefits we can get the them:
a. Can we use bebagi each file (data sharing) with peer computers that are connected with our network.
b. Exchange of data between computers can be done quickly.
c. Allows users to use one computer network connected to the network printer together in a network area.
d. Improved work efficiency.
e. More cost savings.
f. Data files can be more easily maintained and protected.
g. Can we increase the system performance in accordance with the load of using computers in the network. We just simply add the ability of a processor and RAM if it needs improvement.

Types of Computer networking
computer networking in general differentiate into four types, namely LAN, MAN, WAN, and Internet. Let us learn to four kinds of network.
1. Local Area Network (LAN)
LAN (Local Area Network) is a network that is limited by a relatively small area, generally bounded by the area like an office environment in a building, or a school, and usually no further than about 1km square. Some models of LAN configuration, one computer is usually made in a file server, which is used to store software that govern network activity or as software that can be used by kumputer-computer connected to the network. Computer connected to the network (network) is usually called a workstation. viewed in terms of workstation hardware and software applications are no better than on the server. Most LANs use the media cable to connect between one computer to another computer.
The advantage of using LAN networks, among others:
a. Exchange of files can be done easily (File Sharing).
b. Use the printer can be done by all clients (Printer Sharing).
c. Data files can be stored on the server, so data can be accessed from all clients, and can protect themselves by the client so that guaranteed the security of the file
d. Data backup process becomes easier and faster.
e. Can connect multiple computers.
f. Can connect to the internet.

2. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a development of the LAN. This network consists of several interconnected LAN network. Location of this network can be far from each other, depending on the length of cable used. This network can also reach a different location places.
A MAN, usually covering an area larger than the LAN, for example between regions within a province. In this case, the network that connects several small networks into a larger area of the environment.
MAN may include companies that have offices adjacent and MAN can support voice and data, can even be connected with a cable television network. This network has a distance of 10-50 km radius.

3. Wide Area Network (WAN)
Wide Area Network (WAN) is a form of computer network consisting of LAN and MAN. WAN is a network of the scope of which usually are already using satellite facilities. WAN Network has been meeting the various needs of network systems, such as for general network, the network in the field of banking, buying and selling of tissue directly (online) on the internet. WAN using Internet protocols such as Network Service Provider (NSP). Without NSP, the WAN network will not work. With the NSP which is connected with a WAN network, it will establish an Internet network that is global. Thus the Internet can be accessed by people who will use this network.
WAN networks have several advantages, namely:
a. When connected to the Internet jaringa then transfer the files on places far from each other can be done quickly using email and FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
b. Having a broad network system so that it can reach the State, the continent, even the whole world.

4. INTERNET (international networking)
Internet network is a network of international scale, and this network is the largest network today. why for now? because who knows 10 years from now there is a planet other than Earth laindi network. so that the earth and the planet is forming a network. heheheheh

Kind - kind of hardware in a network.
1. Personal Computers
Personal computer or PC is a main device in a computer network.This PC was the one who will work to send and access data within the network. Determine the ability of a PC once the performance of a network. The higher capability of a PC then access will continue to be conducted quickly and smoothly.
2. Network Internet Card (NIC)
Portyang NIC is connect your computer with this card jaringan.Port or join in a personal computer attached to the Main Board or that called the device on board. NIC is off the board is not attached to the mainboard has the type of ISA and PCI. When this type are widely used Network Card PCI karenaPCI is capable of data transfer within the computer more tinggidaripada I SA.
NI CjenisISA
NI CjenisPCI
3. Wiring
Computer network is basically a cable network that connects one side to the other side, but by no means a closed curve, could be an open curve with a terminator diujungnya. Along with technological development, liaison between computers also experienced growth, ranging from telegraph technology that utilizes radio waves to optical fiber and laser technology. Selection type of cable is closely related to network topology yangdigunakan. As an example for this type of Ring topology typically use Fibre Optic cable (although some are using twisted pair). The bus topology uses a lot of Coaxial cable. The main difficulty of using coaxial cables is difficult to measure whether the coaxial cable yangdipergunakan really matched or not. Because if not truly be measured properly will damage the NIC (Network Interface Card) yangdipergunakan and network performance becomes constrained, not reaching maximum capacity. Star network topology jeniskabel many uses UTP. There are three types of cables that are typically used in networking,
• Coaxial cable
• Fiber Optics
• Twist ed pair
a. Coaxial cable
This cable is divided into two types: thick coaxial cable (has a fairly large diameter) and thin coaxial cable (has a smaller diameter).
1). Thick coaxial cable
Coaxial cable of this type is specified by IEEE 802.3 10BASE5 standard, where the cable has an average diameter of 12mm, and is usually given a yellow color. This kind of cable is commonly referred to as Standard Ethernet or ThickEthernet, or simply abbreviated ThickNet. Coaxial cable when used in the specification and aturansebagai networks have the following:
• Each end must be terminated with 50-ohm terminator (recommended using a terminator that has been assembled, instead of using a single 50-ohm resistors 1 watt, because the resistor has a fairly wide voltage dissipation).
• Maximum of three segments with the connected equipment or be populated segments.
• Each transmitter has an additional Network Card (External Transceiver).
• Each segment contains a maximum of 100 network devices, including repeaters in this case.
• Maximum panjangkabel per segment is 1640 feet (or about 500 met er).
• Maximum distance between segment is 4920 feet (or about 1500 meters).
• Each segment must be grounded.
• The maximum distance between pencabang from the main cable to the device (device) is 16 feet (approximately 5met er).
• The minimum distance between taps is 8 feet (about 2.5 meters

2). Thin Coaxial Cable
This type of coaxial cable widely used among amateur radio, especially for the Transceiver which do not require a large power output. To be used as network devices, this type coaxial cable must meet the standards of IEEE 802.3 10BASE2, where the average diameter ranging from 5mm and usually black or other dark color.Each device (device) is connected with BNCTconnector. This kind of cable is also known as Thin Ethernet atauThinNet. This type of coaxial cable, such as the type RG-58 A / U atauC / U, if implemented with a T connector danTerminator in a network, must follow the rules as follows:
• Each end of the cable or 50 ohm terminat given.
• The maximum length of cable is 1.000 feet (185 meters) per segment.
• Each segment is a maximum of 30 devices connected to the network
• Network Card is using the onboard transceiver, do not need an additional transceiver, except for the repeater.
• Maximum of three segments are connected to each other (populated segments).
• Each segment better equipped
with one ground.
• The minimum length between the T connector is 1.5 feet (0.5 meters).
• Maximum cable length in one segment is 1, 818 feet (555 meters)

b. Fiber Optic

Fiber Optic network using (FOR) are usually large companies, due to price and installation process more difficult. yet Thus, a network that uses FOR terms of reliability and speed are not in doubt. Data tranmitions speed with the media and free from 100Mbps FOR more environmental influences.

c. Twisted Pair Ethernet
Twisted Pair cable is divided into two types of shielded twisted pair (STP) and unshielded twisted pair (UTP). STP is a type of cable has a sheath wrapping whereas UTP has no sheath wrapping. For this type of cable connection using RJ-11 or RJ-45. In twisted pair (10 BaseT) network, a computer arranged to form a star pattern. Every PC has a twisted pair cable to HUB centralized. Twisted pair is generally more reliable (reliable) compared with thin coax, because the HUB has errorcorrection data capabilities and improve transmission speed. While there are several grades or categories of twisted pair. Kategory can be seen the list below: Delivery 1/2/3/4/5/6 category is the category of specifications for each copper cable and also to the jack. Each is a series of revisions to the quality of cable, quality cable wrap (insulation) and also for the quality of "entanglement" (twist) of each pair of wires. In addition, to determine magnitude frequency which can pass on the cable infrastructure, and also the quality of insulation so that it can reduce the effects of induction between cable (noise can be suppressed in such a way). It should be noted, too, and CAT5 CAT5 spesifikasiantara have enchanced the same industry standard, but on CAT5e already equipped with insulators to reduce the effects of induction or electromagnetic interference. CAT5e cable can be used to connect networks to the speed of 1Gbps

4. Modem
The Modulator Module modem or network equipment that is used to connect to the internet using the phone cord to network
5. Hub / Switch
HUB or Switch is used to connect each node in the LAN network.The equipment is often used in the star and extended star topology. Differences between HUB and Switch is the speed of data transfer.Namely 10:100 Mbps

6. Bridge
Bridge is a network equipment that is used to expand or break the network. Bridge works to connect and combine media network that is not the same as unshielded twisted pair (UTP) and fiber-optic cables, and to combine different network architectures such as Token Ring and Ethernet. Bridge meregenerate signal but does not perform
protocol conversion, so the same networking protocol (like TCP / IP) must walk to the two network segments connected to the bridge. Bridge can also support the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), and has a network diagnostic capabilities. Bridge
comes in three basic types of Local, Remote, danWireless. Local Bridge directly connects Local Area Network (LAN). Bridge a remote that can be used to create a Wide Area Network (WAN) connects two or more LAN. whereare wireless bridge can be used to join LAN or connect remote machines to a LAN. Bridge operates to recognize the MAC address of the home address of the transmitting node and network data to automatically build an internal tablerouting. This table is used to determine to which segment will diroute package and provides filtering capabilities. Once you know where to segmen to deliver a package, the bridge will continue to deliver the package directly to segmen. If the bridge is not recognize packet destination addresses, the packet will be forwarded all these segments are connected except segment origin address. And if the destination address is in the same segment with the source address, the bridge will reject the package. Bridge also continue all these broadcast packets except segmen segment of origin.

7. Router
Routers are devices used to expand the network or network by continuing to break the packets from one network to another to netwrok logic. Routers are widely used in large internetworks using protocol family TCP / IP to connect all hosts and TCP / IP and Local Area Network (LAN) to the internet use dedicated leased line. Currently, there are still many companies using Cisco 2500 series router to connect two LAN (WAN with the members of the two LAN), LAN to an ISP (Internet Service Provider). Connections like this cause all workstations can connect to the internet for 24 hours. Router contains internal information tables called routering labels that make record of all known network addresses and paths that may be impassable. Router make the path a packet - packet based on the available paths and time journey. because using network packet destination address, the router works only if the protocol is configured routing protocol tables such as TCP / IP or IPX / SPX.This is different from the bridge nature protocol independent.

today so hopefully useful learning for all amenn!!!
1. understanding of computer networks, the definition of LAN, MAN, WAN, INTERNET.
2. types of network cables, network hardware.
3. free learning the computer network.

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